Cowgirl and Her Horse

This picture was taken last night of my horse and me on Boy Scout Hill, randomly by an amateur photographer, Shelby Strodel, with her iPhone. I do not think this was by accident.

Upon further examination and the mind-blowing response these images have got to those I sent them to (friends and family), I realized today, that these pictures carry a powerful message and symbolism about preserving “Boy Scout Hill” from becoming a restaurant (for goodness’s sake).

Here is a story I hope is told about the spiritual and cultural history of the hill. This picture could have been a snapshot in time when the early settlers were making their home here. Compelling indeed.
Please take special note of the striking vision of an angel of God in it (you can literally see the Angeles head, wings, and dress), or the cross. Unbelievable.

Even God wants to put in a word about the importance of our history and culture. A restaurant, I think not. It is as close to a sign not to do it, as it gets. This land was given to us by God; this land is your land, this land is my land; this land was made for you and me. Not a bar or restaurant in such a spiritual place.

After all, Boy Scout Hill is full of spiritual meaning and reflection from our past; that is why everyone is drawn there where their dreams of what it is like not to be surrounded by civilization live on, like the cowgirl and the horse. A horse that is an American Paint (named Baby Skye); the colored horses the Indian royalty preferred to ride; and a color of many a wild mustang. Please help save Boy Scout Hill.
Read more: White Rock Lake Weekly – Neighbors Rally to Save Hills History